Thursday, October 9, 2008

Economics of a Small Closet

If you've not yet heard news of a troubled economy, you must be living under a rock. Somewhere in Timbuktu. In an alternate reality.

It seems impossible to escape the bombardment of ever more dire predictions about how life as we know it is going to change...and not for the better. If we believe the worst of what we hear, we are headed for the Great Depression Redux.

Hardly the time to think about paring down your wardrobe....Or so you might think.

I've written in the past about the myriad number of reasons we hold on to possessions that no longer serve us, and one of the real biggies is the fear of an uncertain future. This is an achilles heel in the best of times, and becomes even more challenging to deal with when the chips are down. When things are going well, future difficulties seem possible but perhaps not all that probable. The liklihood of disaster is small. But when things are not going well, the possible becomes more probable, and the fear seems justified. Prudent, even.

Give away clothes? I might NEED them! No...I probably WILL need them.

Over the next several posts I am going to talk about the economics of a pared-down closet, and how clearing out and re-thinking your wardrobe can help you look your best during times of financial hardship.

See you next time...same blog time...same blog channel....

Jennifer Skinner

(For more information on wardrobe planning, or to sign up for my free ezine, please visit my Wardrobe Planning Website.)


Lisa M. McLellan said...

Boy Jenn, you really know your stuff. That's exactly how I think "no, i can't get rid of it, I might need it."

Anonymous said...

Very timely post Jenn

I have the same problems with holding onto things. Glad your here to keep us in line


RobFromGa said...

Stretching the clothes budget…


Is Your Corporation Protecting The Clothes In Your Closet?

Anamarie said...

hello Jen
i have been been disposing.. but not altogether in one sitting.. my closet is less but there's still more.. haaaay.
working out the memories and the sense of need over them..
but it does feel lighter.

gr8skot said...

Great Post Jenn,
I think things could get pretty difficult over the next few years. I understand what you are saying about paring down your closet. Always a good idea.


Anonymous said...


This is GREAT, I am going to have to have my girlfriend read this. Her closet is BLOATED with clothes she doesn't wear and despite my best efforts, she won't purge it... I can't wait to hear more...

Anonymous said...


I'm a guy. And I buy a lot of clothes. And I do have trouble getting rid of old clothes at times. So thanks for the refresher and reminder...clean out time again.

As far as economic conditions...I have always bought clothes from all sources. From Yorkville in Toronto to Thrift Shops. And have always found high end thrift shop type stores and Goodwill great places.

If you know can recognize bargains...and there are some great ones.

Thanks, John

Anonymous said...


I'm a guy. And I buy a lot of clothes. And I do have trouble getting rid of old clothes at times. So thanks for the refresher and reminder...clean out time again.

As far as economic conditions...I have always bought clothes from all sources. From Yorkville in Toronto to Thrift Shops. And have always found high end thrift shop type stores and Goodwill great places.

If you know can recognize bargains...and there are some great ones.

Thanks, John

Lena Milukh said...

Hey,I'm not the only one thinking this way

Kevin Hogan said...

i have a very small closet....i wish i could say it was on purpose... everything i like to wear, fits in a drawer. i'm so embarassed.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, how did you know that just today I was standing in the middle of my very small closet thinking, wow, I need to clear out and pare down.
How timely. Cant wait for the next installment


The Raw Food Resource

Midlife Dating Expert, Singles Workshop Conference Speaker said...

Hi Jenn,

I'm like Lisa, the babysitting lady. Although, interestingly enough, right now I am feeling like I want and need to divest.

It declutters my mind and helps me to FOCUS better with the economy, to focus on what is actually essential.

So, the Junior League Shop and Goodwill are about to do REALLY well by me.

Interestingly enough, as a dating and relationship coach, early on our dating cycles, I recommend LOTS of dating activity and going on lots of dates. There are a number of scientific reasons for doing that, and I won't go into that here in just my comment. However, indeed, over time, we need to weed out extraneous activity and focus ourselves on Focused Activity to create The Great ROmantic Sex Relationship in marriage that we crave for fulfillment.

Like creating a... Very Small Closet....

All the best, lady,

April Braswell - Online Dating Coach, Romance Coach

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